The Puzzle is based on the map of the city of Victoria. Using the form of a simple, 3 by 3 grid puzzle, the work engages the players to rearrange the territory and form new configurations. Each piece can be scanned using an smartphone app resulting in an augmented reality experience of the city. For each piece, the augmented reality layer consists of materials (videos, photographs, cognitive maps, sounds, interviews etc.) gathered from that specific part of Victoria. For each player who rearranges the space, a new narrative of the city emerges. For one player the periphery can become centre and for another the factory might be the first element she comes across.
The Victoria Narrative Puzzle was presented 7/nov/2019-6/dec/2019 in an exhibition at the Fabrica de Pensule (Brush Factory) in Cluj, Romania. Part of the Utopian Cities, Programmed Societies platform.
If you are courious for more, here you can access a presentation about this project we held in Budapest (ZIP SCENE conference on Analogue and Digital Immersive Spaces:10/nov/2019) and Bucharest (Augmenting Performance Conference at CINETic, UNATC:15/nov/2019).
If you are courious for more, here you can access a presentation about this project we held in Budapest (ZIP SCENE conference on Analogue and Digital Immersive Spaces:10/nov/2019) and Bucharest (Augmenting Performance Conference at CINETic, UNATC:15/nov/2019).